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Liquid Dextrose

Liquid Dextrose - Жидкая декстроза : Refined Liquid Dextrose Corn Syrup is a low ash, demineralized corn syrup with a high dextrose content. It is ideal for applications requiring high fermentability and sweetness, but where dextrose crystallization is not a concern, such as in baking, brewing, fermentation, pickles, and wines. Dextrose syrups are purified and concentrated, nutritive carbohydrate syrups with a sweet taste. They are glucose syrups that primarily contain dextrose, a crystallizing monosaccharide, sweet and easily digestible. Dextrose syrups are also called hydrolysates.

The recommended storage temperature range for Refined Liquid Dextrose Corn Syrup is 130 - 140°F. Syrups stored for extended periods (over 6 months) should be evaluated periodically for fitness of use. At below normal storage temperatures, e.g. room temperature, this product may be in a crystallized or “solid” state. It can be returned to its liquid form by applying heat.

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